Endurance Monster Virtual 70.3 @ Lake Longhorn
At the end of Endurance Monster Month we will have our "Virtual 70.3" where we will provide all of the facilities for our athletes to complete a 70.3 triathlon. Lake Longhorn has graciously supported our vision for this event and they will be providing us with our own swim entry/exit dock, a large space for transition and bike trainer set up, a spot for food trucks, a shower and more! The event will consist of a 1.2 mile swim course at Lake Longhorn, a "56 Mile" ride on a bike trainer, and a 13.1 mile run route planned out to be spectator friendly and allow everyone to be self supportive with water and nutrition. For the bike leg, athletes may choose to ride at intensity on their bikes for 2hr 30min OR they can "do the distance" in any virtual cycling platform like Zwift of Rouvy if they so choose. Relay teams are encouraged to participate as well - put it together any way you would like and join in on the fun.
OCT 4th - Endurance Monster Run: 10k / 10 Mile / 13.1 Mile Run
OCT 11th - Endurance Monster Ride: 50 mile and 100 mile route option
OCT 25th - Virtual 70.3 @ Lake Longhorn
Price is $100 to get registered for all 3 of these events AND receive a special "Powerhouse Endurance Monster" long sleeve shirt. Registration is required to officially participate in the events but family members of any registered athlete are welcome to join in on the fun!
Must be registered by September 12th in order to receive the athlete shirt!
Powerhouse Racing Strava Club - Join Us!
Our official Powerhouse Racing Club on Strava is already at 30+ members! Thanks for the response and for joining us on the platform. We will post our weekend workouts with route info as Powerhouse Racing Strava Club Events that you can join
Training Plans - Online Store
All of our triathlon training plans, both group and custom, are now available for purchase on our new website:
If you need any assistance with our online training plan store please contact Coach Shawn at shawndpowerhouseracing@gmail.com
Weekly Workouts for Powerhouse Racing
Swim @ Williams Pool
7:30 p.m.
Spin @ Powerhouse
6:00 p.m.
Group Run @ Powerhouse
6:30 a.m.
Spin @ Powerhouse
5:30 a.m.
Swim @ Williams Pool
6:45 p.m.
Swim @ Williams Pool 5:30 a.m.
Powerhouse Group Run
6:30 a.m. from Powerhouse Racing
Powerhouse Group Ride
6:30 a.m. from Powerhouse Racing
All outdoor workouts are contingent on weather. Check on Johnny Z Powerhouse Racing Facebook Group for any weather cancelations or changes.
Upcoming Events
Endurance Monster Run: 10k / 10 Mile / 13.1 Mile Run - Oct 4
Endurance Monster Ride: 50 mile and 100 mile route option - Oct 11
IRONMAN Texas (Waco) - Oct 17
IRONMAN 70.3 Waco - Oct 18
Endurance Monster Virtual 70.3 @ Lake Longhorn - Oct 25
Oilman Texas 70.3 - Nov 1
IRONMAN 70.3 Texas - Nov 22

Saturday Group Run is always fun!